LC is back online

Latex Culture banner

I created one temporary page for Latex Culture which was redirected to ilovefrenchgirls since the shutdown of my website in 2016 … it’s time to do more with these archives now that I am self-hosted again. WordPress terminated my blog on March 23 after 7 years using a paid plan on this limited platform : I brought it back online and worked several weeks to optimize this rescue boat where I repost the best-of my work as fetish photographer.

If you don’t know this part of my story, I had to close LC + CC for economical & personal reasons before to deal with some major health issues. Less than one year later, I started to share these sweet memories on my blog to keep my mind busy & focus on something else than the consequences of a cancer that changed drastically my daily routine.

Since all these years, my blog has been updated with the pics & vids published on Captive Culture and Latex Culture … because there is no more limitation due to the WordPress hosting service, I am going to bring back these productions on CC & LC soon. It doesn’t mean that I will change my philosophy : the archives are still free to download and continues to be the place dedicated to my whole work.

I reposted more than 150 photo series and 25 full length movies since 2017 and there are still a lot of sessions to bring back online … I think running another blog on Captive Culture & Latex Culture could be a good idea for the viewers & myself. It should allow to propose a better experience starting from scratch : I don’t know exactly how to do it yet but my idea isn’t a simple copy / paste of the archives currently online. More time is needed to think about all this but, for now, this blog redirects to ilovefrenchgirls : I will keep you updated & plan to work on this project soon.